
Plastic Double Bucket Cart & Wringer, 6.5 Gallon Capacity

The Plastic Double Cart with Handle, includes Grey Bucket w/Blue Handle & Grey Bucket w/Red Handle, buckets are 6.5 gal and Down-Press Wringer

The Single-piece all-in-one double bucket system includes cart, two (6.5 gal.) polypropylene buckets (1 red, 1 blue), and downpress wringer. Good resistance to common cleaning solutions.

Grouped product items
Product Name Qty
MicroNova C-2GRPW
Plastic Double Bucket Cart with Wringer & (2) 6.5 Gallon Buckets, Gray
MicroNova C-2PW
Plastic Double Bucket Cart with Wringer & (2) 6.5 Gallon Buckets, Blue/Red
More Information
SKU G100813
Brand MicroNova
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